Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy Friendiversary!

For this third year of knowing Rachel and Kelsey, I present our Friendiversary as told through Titanic gifs because why not.

Before I met Rachel and Kelsey, something in my life was missing.

But then one night I went to The Hudson and met these awesome girls. Oh The Hudson! I can't drive by it without getting nostalgic.

Anyway, back to the story. At first, I felt a little shy around these gorgeous, outgoing, whip-smart, hilarious ladiez. But soon enough, I was having the time of my life. I was falling in love.

Remember that horrible Australian bartender who refused to tend the bar, because he wasn't getting great tips on $3 well specials? He was the worst AMIRITE?!

But in a way he did us a favor, because we all bonded when we reacted with the same sense of righteous indignation.

The haters (*cough* BOBBIE *cough*) thought we wouldn't last. We didn't let the haters get us down.

We've had three years of activities (so much space for activities!), of Hudson happy hours, TNDs, and so much more. Three years and still together. And, because WE became friends, our friends became friends, creating the glorious hivemind we share today. Three years and counting, Paloozers!

I will love you and alI our friends always, and look back on that night with a deep happiness. I promise.

Finally, our 3rd Friendiversary in brief.